Sponsorship Drive — Nevada Union High School Choir

Choir parents: Click here to pay uniform donation!

What your Sponsorship Supports:

The Nevada Union High School Choral Program has delivered musical excellence for over four decades and is recognized both nationally and internationally as an award-winning choir.

Only about 20% of our budget comes from the school district—the rest is provided by funds raised by the choir and the Choir Boosters. These funds help provide sheet music, transportation to festivals and concerts, entrance fees for competitions and choir outfits.

The continued success and extent of the support rests largely with the efforts of the Booster Club and with the community at large.

Suggested Donation amounts:

A Capella Sponsorship - $25

Chorale Sponsorship - $50
Includes acknowledgement in each of our Concert programs.

Director's/Business Sponsorship - $100
Includes a business-card sized acknowledgement in each of our Concert Programs. 

Conductor’s Sponsorship - $250 Includes a half-page acknowledgement, congratulatory announcement or memory in each of our Concert Programs.

Click HERE to download and print the Sponsorship Drive form.

Click the button below to complete your Sponsorship Drive application and payment.


THANK YOU for your generous support!